We have a system of job rotation and sharing among staff. 我们在职工中实施一套工作轮换和分担的制度。
Reflections on the Implementation of Job Rotation System of University Libraries 对高校图书馆实行岗位轮换制的思考
We use a system of job rotation to keep staff stimulated. 我们采用工作轮换制来保持员工的积极性。
The Necessity to Implement Job Rotation for the Grass-roots Teaching Administrative Personnel in College 高校基层教学管理人员实行岗位轮换的必要性
Shinsei has also adopted an open job posting system that is very different from the long established rotation system, where people are moved on at very short notice, based on decisions made behind closed doors by an almighty personnel department. 新生银行还实施了一种职位空缺公告系统,这与日本长期以来的轮换制差别很大。在轮换体制下,调任通知是全能人事部门的闭门决定,而且通知时间的提前量非常短。
Job rotation involves moving people around on a systematic basis in order to broaden their experience. 工作轮换是系统地调整改换人们的工作来拓宽他们的经验。
The main technology and tools include: training, job training, job rotation, staff continuing education programs, counseling, discipline. 主要的技术及手段有:培训、在岗培训、轮岗、员工继续教育计划、辅导、训导。
If we want to change a job rotation, what will you think? And will you agree? 如果我们想调换工作,你会怎么想?你会同意吗?
Job rotation opportunities will be provided for staff with good performance record. 根据员工相关的良好表现记录的我们提供岗位转换的机会。
The reform to the personnel system was deepened, with the introduction of examinations in recruitment for public service, competition for positions, job rotation, personnel exchanges and training programs. 深化干部人事制度改革,推行公务员考试录用、竞争上岗、轮岗交流与培训制度。
This concept of job rotation lacks the basic ingredient of practical experience. 这种工作轮调方式缺少实践的重要部分。
Probe into Job Rotation System in University Library& Taking the Job Rotation of Newspapers and Periodicals Section of Dongguan Library as the Example 公共图书馆岗位轮换制的探讨&以东莞图书馆报刊部的岗位轮换为例
Perceived organizational support had a significantly negative correlation with job rotation and job-quitting intention, and only job-quitting intention was negatively predicted by POS. 组织支持感与换岗意向、换职意向存在显著的负相关,但仅对换职意向具有负向预测作用;
Job Rotation System: an Effective System for Culturing Librarian's Multi-Dimensional Skills 以岗位轮换的方式培养具有多种能力的图书馆员
Second, she or he should establish scientific promotion system and job rotation system to stimulate flow within enterprise; 同时应当做好员工内部流动管理,采用科学的晋升制度和内部轮换制度,疏通职业通道,使企业内部横向流动和纵向流动均畅通无阻;
Based on the relationship between job rotation and knowledge transfer, it explored how to manage the process of job rotation for knowledge transfer and discussed problems in implementing job rotation. 在讨论工作轮换和企业内部隐性知识转移之间关系的基础上,探讨了工作轮换的过程管理和实施过程中可能面临的问题。
This essay mainly summarizes applications of job rotation to the definition of the career anchor and career path design, and puts forward and basis theorem reasonable measures of job rotation to develop career management. 文章论述了岗位轮换在生涯锚的确定、生涯通道设计方面的作用,并提出了实施岗位轮换以促进组织生涯管理的基本原则和具体措施。
Job-satisfaction had a significantly negative correlation with job rotation and quiting intention, and negatively predicted both job rotation and job-quiting intention. 工作满意度与换岗意向、换职意向存在显著的负相关,并对二者都具有负向预测作用。
A reasonable and effective job rotation system in modern organization plays an active part in career management. 现代组织中的岗位轮换在员工生涯管理中有着积极的意义。
The factors in Macro-level include organization structure, task breakdown, work enlargement, work enrichment and job rotation. 其中,宏观层的影响因素主要包括:组织结构、任务分解、工作扩大化、工作丰富化和工作轮换。
It embodies in a single flow method, and more job rotation, error proofing, continuous improvement and other lean methods. 在培养方法中体现了单个流、多岗位轮换、防错法、持续改善等精益方法。